Fueled Up Game Day Crispy Chicken Sandwiches
Wouldn’t it be exciting to win 25,000 dollars worth of Chevron Gas Cards! How about tickets to football games, gift cards, Game Day swag and some serious bragging rights?
I thought it would be awesome. Last year I entered the Game Day Chef Challenge and won the regional event here in Arizona with my recipe for "Fueled Up Game Day Crispy Chicken Sandwiches!" I then went on to take third at the finale competition.
So how do you enter? It is quite easy. First you need to visit your local Chevron or Texaco station's convince store. Look for ingredients to inspire the perfect game day dish. You want to create something you would serve at a football game or if you were tailgating with your friends and family. Twinkies, chips, soft drinks-the sky is the limit when it comes to creating your recipe!
Next write the recipe and snap a photo of your completed dish. Submit your idea online and share with all of your friends on social media! So easy-you know you want to do it!
To veiw my winning recipe, click here! I have also added my Game Day Chef video for some inspiration. Check back to see more posts and videos coming soon!
For more information about all of the great prizes along the way and the rules and regulations, please visit
Come on, get into the game!